About us

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Permanent Representative

A welcome word from our Permanent Representative Marc Pecsteen de Buytswerve.
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Marc Pecsteen de Buytswerve

As Permanent Representative of Belgium, I am glad to welcome you on our website. Here you can find useful information on the role and functioning of the Belgian mission in Geneva. As a founding member of the United Nations, Belgium continues to believe in efficient multilateralism as the best chance for the world community to respond to contemporary global challenges. Geneva can be considered unique in this regard. It hosts one of the world’s highest concentrations of international governance bodies. In Geneva, people, states, academia, private actors and civil society representatives meet, dialogue, negotiate and cooperate on a daily basis and on almost every burning issue which is at stake at any given time (economy, development, labour, migration, humanitarian aid, human rights, environment, health, disarmament, etc.). Trying to find common grounds on these, despite the diversity of our societies, is always challenging but at the same time very rewarding when the international community manages to speak and act in a coordinated manner.

In this context and in close collaboration with the European Union and its Member states, Belgium acts as a reliable and constructive partner. It aims at fostering the efficiency of the international organizations located in Geneva. It also strives to find common and concrete solutions to the manifold crises that afflict our societies. Belgium intends to remain proactive and, as a model word citizen country, to take up its share of the responsibility to make international governance work. It thus provides significant financial contributions to the Geneva-based organizations and also takes up mandates in their governing bodies. 

H.E. Mr. Marc Pecsteen de Buytswerve, Permanent Representative of Belgium

Curriculum vitae


August 2020: Ambassador – Permanent Representative of Belgium to the United Nations and international institutions in Geneva, to the Conference on Disarmament and the World Trade Organisation     


2016 – 2020: Permanent Representative of Belgium to the United Nations, New York

2014 – 2016: Director of the Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Belgium

2011 – 2014: Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium to the Republic of Rwanda

2009 – 2011: Deputy-Director of the Office of the Secretary of State for European Affairs

2006 - 2009: Consul-General of the Kingdom of Belgium in Shanghai

1991 - 2006:  various positions in Buenos Aires, Islamabad, New York - United Nations, Brussels, Vienna


Master in Law

Master in International Relations


Married with three children