Permanent Mission of Belgium to the United Nations and other international organizations established in Geneva We recruit! Do you want to join our team at the Permanent Representation of Belgium to the United Nations in Geneva? Here, you will find opp... Contact information Contact details of the Permanent Representation of Belgium in Geneva. About us Our mission statement, Permanent Representative, organisational chart, Representation of Regions and Communities in Geneva, cons... Belgium @ UNOG Events, human rights, trade, labour and environment, development cooperation and humanitarian aid, migration and disarmament. The UN in Belgium Overview of UN organisations in Belgium. Internships Interested in an internship at the Permanent Representation of Belgium to the United Nations in Geneva? Links Links to Belgian public information and the United Nations and other international organizations in Geneva. Follow us on our X account @BelgiumUNGeneva Consular matters Information on consular matters. Focus on Belgium Focus on Belgium is a website of the FPS Foreign Affairs with the aim of highlighting our country's assets in a variety of areas...
We recruit! Do you want to join our team at the Permanent Representation of Belgium to the United Nations in Geneva? Here, you will find opp...
About us Our mission statement, Permanent Representative, organisational chart, Representation of Regions and Communities in Geneva, cons...
Belgium @ UNOG Events, human rights, trade, labour and environment, development cooperation and humanitarian aid, migration and disarmament.
Internships Interested in an internship at the Permanent Representation of Belgium to the United Nations in Geneva?
Links Links to Belgian public information and the United Nations and other international organizations in Geneva.